Thursday, July 23, 2009

Favorite Blog Award 2009

This Favorite Blog Award was awarded to me by one of my blogger friends Alma at "Live, Love, Laugh with philly5113". She graceously shared it with a few of us.This is a pass it on and it feels so good! Alma got the award from one of her frequent visitor and blogger friend. She received the award and passed it on to her. Check her out at Theraphy Home Blog, This was awarded to Lilyabee by DedeAndro and AgentPX, both their URL indicated below and please try to visit them to get to know them too : and :
Remember I said that this is a pass it on, I will do so now! Read on.
~~~~Begin copy~~~~
This is the easiest and the fastest way to:

-Make your Authority Technorati explode. - Increase your Google Page Rank
- Get more traffic to your blog. - Makes more new friends.

The rules is very simple as follows :

- Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog. - Put your own blog name and link. - Tag your friends as much as you can.

My blog is "Breaking Mindset" and my link url is:

I would like to pass on this Award to my following favorite bloggers:

If I have forgotten to mention some of you, please also feel free to grab this Award and pass it to anyone even if they've already received it.

~~End Copy~~

Congratulations to all of you.


  1. Thank you so much!!!
    You made my day!
    Take care

  2. You are welcome! Take care and best regards!

  3. Congratulations and thanks for the award, I appreciate..
