Sunday, September 23, 2012

" Learn One Thing Do Another Thing " Mindset

"What would you do if someone were to throw your holy scripture into the toilet bowl and flush it away? ". This is a very sensitive and good for thought question posted by one of the participants to the religious teacher. Without any hesitation, the religious teacher replied the participant with the below answer with a beautiful smile : " I will call the plumber in to clear the clog in the toilet drainage ".

" Don't you think we should fight back to protect the holiness or supremacy of our holy scripture? ". This is the second question posted to the religious teacher. For this question, the teacher replied with some interesting questions for the participant to reflect whether is it neccessary to fight back. The questions given by the teacher was : "Will the fight back give us more happiness and make the world a better place to live?". What would be the consequences if we were to fight back? Will this brings any good to the world or the future of mankind in this beautiful world?".

This question always linger on my mind : " Does the Almighty One agrees to this type of emotional based behavior? ". Based on my shallow understand, holy scripture always guides us to spread love, forgive those who sins against us and tell us that it is our duty to guide those lost souls to be on the right path. Well, instead of following the right teachings by the Almighty One, what I can see is a totally different picture in this beautiful world now. I believe the holy one wants to see us live in a peaceful and harmonious environment. I also strongly  believe that the Almight, Compassionate and Merciful One does not want to see bloodshed in this beautiful world. I believe the question now is : "Should we shoot at the lost sheeps or should we guide the lost sheep?". Is it right for us to shoot at the lost sheep? What is the difference between us and the lost sheep if we to shoot at them? Are we also considered as lost sheep since we have deviated from the teachings of the Almighty One? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Nowaday, most of the people are very emotional based! They can lost their cool and calm mind easily. When things do not turn out to be what they are hoping for, they will find ways to get what they want even it is a wrong way! They are not concerned about the consequences they are going to face later on. I really do not know what had happened to the human world now? Is this the right approach? What is the right thing people should be doing now? Can anyone help to clarify for me?

I do not have the slightest intention to criticise or insult anyone or any parties with this post. It is just my own reflection. Please ignore this post if it is not in your favor.

Hope to hear some valuable and constructive criticism and comments from my beloved visitors. Cheers!


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