What a wonderful thing to be tagged by Lian of Loving Kindness @ Samsara. Thanks Lian for your kind thought. I will do my part accordingly.
The rules of this little tag game are:
The rules of this little tag game are:
1) Go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder.
2) Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3) Post that photo along with the story behind it
4) Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same!
So, I will tag the following people for the game:
1) Jasper - Control Your Destiny http://controlyourdestiny.wordpress.com/2010/04/13/2269/ )
2) Alma - Live, Love, Laugh With Philly 5113 http://philly5113.blogspot.com/
3) Sara - The Breathing Post http://www.thebreathingpost.com/
4) Kim - Stuff Could Always Be Worse http://stuffcouldalwaysbeworse.blogspot.com/
4) Kim - Stuff Could Always Be Worse http://stuffcouldalwaysbeworse.blogspot.com/
5) Md Abdul Maleque - Physiofuru http://physioforu.blogspot.com/
6) Grace D Chong - Leaves Of Grace http://www.leavesofgrace.blogspot.com/
7) Colin Myles - Grow and Succed http://www.colinmyles.blogspot.com/
8) Say Lee - Going Global http://globallee.blogspot.com/
The above picture is the 8th picture in my photo file. I just love this photo because it reminds me that all of us will have to go through this last rite! The above last rite was for my mum. It was a simple but meaningful ceremony where the prayer was done before her body was being sent to the crematorium. I am glad that mum lived till the age of 92. I really do not know how many people in this world can live till the age of 90 now.
Mum, if your consciousness is still around us, may I take this opportunity to wish you, "May You Be Well And Happy In Your Next Life! Please do not worry about us!".